Have you asked yourself this question lately...???
What do I want?
What do I really, truly want... deep down in the crevices of your heart.
Most of the time I hear from my clients and students that, instead of feeling the freedom to ask and consider this question, they feel they are tied to the external pressures, expectations and opinions of others(families, colleagues, friends, etc.) and their to-do lists.
If don’t know what you want? Check out my Powerful Affirmations book to explore 11 key areas of your health and happiness such as "ignighting purpose”
Time to flip the script!
You can use this visualization exercise to help you consider this question and begin to set intentions as well as initiate forward motion towards your goals.
Creative visualization is a practice of influencing our outer world by changing our internal world (attitudes, feelings and thoughts.) It is a basic technique used to mentally train muscle memory and develop positive thinking skills that is often used by business leaders and athletes to enhance their performance and achieve results. Most results in life stem from subconscious action. When you use selective focus on a single goal or topic, you program that goal into your mind, making it easier to take action.
You can re-program your mind and align your energetic frequency to improve your diet and nutrition, start a business, start a new relationship, get fit, change your career, learn a language or grow in any other area of your life you put your mind to.
Setting goals creates a sense of motivation and dedication, harmonizing the mind and entire body towards that commitment. You will go-on to develop routines and habits that set you in motion towards that goal, creating even further action and leading you in the direction of your desired results.
Always remember to have fun and enjoy your journey!
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